Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mastectomy to Prevent Breast Cancer, Seriously?!?!

Unbelievable, yet another celebrity having a mastectomy to "prevent" breast cancer! How absurd is that?!?! You can't prevent anything by removing a body part (or taking medicine for that matter). Just because the breasts are removed doesn't mean you'll never get breast cancer, it will just manifest itself elsewhere in your body if you are promoting a lifestyle that will develop breast cancer in the first place. This type of lifestyle includes (but by far is not limited to) having an acidic diet (your blood pH needs to be alkaline to prevent any and all disease), keeping your hormones balanced (especially estrogen), staying away from hormonal forms of birth control, releasing anger and exercising to drain your lymphatics. Contrary to what has been falsely perpetuated, cancer does not "spread" to your lymph nodes, causing the need for them to be surgically removed. Your lymph nodes are your body's garbage collectors. They "suck up" toxins, including cancer, from your body. This causes them to swell. Once they swell they need to be drained through exercise and/or a lymphatic drainage massage, not cut out. Why remove something for doing what it was designed to do? So before you take out, pull out or cut out anything from your body, find out what is causing (or in the case of those opting for surgery, will cause) it to develop in the first place. The only way to cure or prevent anything is to remove it's CAUSE.

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