Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Old Persons' Diseases?

I was having a conversation with one of my older patients today and she mentioned her body was breaking down due to the fact that she was aging. I often hear this statement made on almost a daily basis and it doesn't just come from patients but from medical colleagues as well. And every time I hear it, it never ceases to amaze me! We have been conditioned to believe that there are certain things that happen to our bodies as we get older and we should just accept it because it is a factor in aging. But please do not buy into this propaganda! As the old saying goes, "God don't make no junk!" Our bodies were designed to last forever. The reason for our bodies breaking down is due to years and years of neglect and mistreatment of our bodies. If we are taught from birth to eat a diet rich in whole foods, avoid genetically altered and engineered foods, avoid processed foods and drinks, drink plenty of good drinking water, exercise on a regular basis, get plenty of sleep and keep a positive mental attitude, we'd go through life okay. But as it stands, our norm is to load our children up on sugar because, after all, they are children! We start them off on the wrong foot and it continues through adolescence when fast foods and carbonated beverages come into play. This then continues until they are well into their twenties. Finally, between the ages of twenty-five and thirty they begin to get a clue and start learning about a proper diet. By then their life is nearly half over. So at this point they are becoming more health conscious and begin to eat better and do a little exercise. It is now that we have to ask ourselves, if, for more than half of our lives we neglected our health, what will happen to our bodies when we begin to age? Do you think we'll feel like 'spring chickens?' Do you think our bones and joints and organs will be functioning in tip-top shape? Do you think we'll be symptom and disease free? Do I really need to answer these? When it comes to your body, input equals output. If you take care of your body throughout your life, your body will take care of you, early and late in life. So make an effort to start your children off on a healthy path and be an example to them. Don't wait until it is too late, start living a healthy lifestyle today!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Remembering Jack Lalane

Jack Lalane started the fitness industry when there was no interest in it. He grew it and stayed committed to it his entire life. In memory of this icon, I'd like to share not only a quote by him, but also a philosophy he upheld with passion. It pertains mostly to junk foods and sugar. Perhaps we should all take heed to this philosophy as well.
"If man makes it, don't eat it. It destroys the B vitamins. It destroys your mind, affects your memory and concentration. Why do you think so many of these kids today are so screwed up? It's what they're eating. You know how much sugar Americans consume today in white flour, cakes, pies, candy and ice cream? Would you get your dog up in the morning and give him a cigarette, coffee and doughnuts? How many millions of Americans got up today to a breakfast like that? And you wonder why people are sick and obese."
We all should have as much passion for our bodies as this man had. As he also said, "your body is your most priceless possession, you've got to take care of it!" Rest in peace, Jack. Thank you for all that you did, you will be missed!