Tuesday, December 6, 2011

After 27 Years: No Deaths from Chiropractic care, 3 Million Deaths from Prescription Drugs

Over the past 27 years — the complete time frame that the data has been available — there have been 0 deaths as a result of Chiropractic care and over 3 million deaths related to prescription drug use in the USA alone. In fact, going back 54 years there have only been 6 claims of Chiropractic related deaths, all of which provided no substantial evidence to link chiropractic to the cause of death. The news comes after a recent statistical analysis found that pharmaceutical drug deaths now outnumber traffic fatalities in the US. In 2009, drugs exceeded the amount of traffic-related deaths, killing at least 37,485 people nationwide. The findings go against the claims of mainstream medical ‘experts’ and mainstream media outlets who often push the idea that Chiropractic can be detrimental to your health, and that prescription drugs are the only science-backed option to improving your health. In fact, the top-selling therapeutic class pharmaceutical drug has been tied to the development of diabetes and even suicide, and whistleblowers are just now starting to speak out despite studies as far back as the 80s highlighting the risks. Mainstream medical health officials were recently forced to speak out over the danger of antipsychotic drugs, which millions of children have been prescribed since 2009. U.S. pediatric health advisers blew the whistle over the fact that these pharmaceuticals can lead to diabetes and even suicide, the very thing they aim to prevent. What is even more troubling is that half of all Americans will be diagnosed with a mental condition during their lifetime thanks to lack of diagnosis guidelines currently set by the medical establishment, of which many cases will lead to the prescription of antipsychotics and other similar medications. Covering up the side effects In order to protect sales, the link between suicide and antipsychotic drugs was completely covered up by Eli Lilly & Co, the makers of Prozac. Despite research stretching as far back as the 1980s finding that Prozac actually leads to suicide, the company managed to hide the evidence until a Harvard psychiatrist leaked the information into the press. The psychiatrist, Martin Teicher, stated that the American people were being treated like guinea pigs in a massive pharmaceutical experiment. Greedy and oftentimes prescription-happy doctors are handing out antipsychotic medication like candy to adults and young children alike. In 2008, antipsychotics became the top-selling therapeutic class prescription drug in the United States and grossed over $14 billion in sales. Antipsychotic drugs are not the only dangerous pharmaceuticals. The average drug label contains 70 side effects, though many popular pharmaceuticals have been found to contain 100 to 125. Some drugs, prescribed by doctors to supposedly improve your health, come with over 525 negative reactions. Ritalin, for example, has been linked to conditions including:
• Increased blood pressure • Increased heart rate • Increased body temperature • Increased alertness • Suppressed appetite
Perhaps the hundreds of negative side effects is part of the reason why the FDA announced last year that it is pulling more than 500 cold and allergy drugs off the market due to health concerns. Prescription drugs kill more people than traffic accidents, and come with up to 525 negative side effects. Avoiding these drugs and utilizing high quality organic alternatives like CHIROPRACTIC CARE will lead to a total health transformation without harsh side effects and an exponentially decreased death risk. ~Printed with permission from Dr. Jay Morgan

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


In 1960 America was ranked 12th in infant mortality among all of the world's nations. In 2005, we were ranked 30th and we are continuing to fall. With more and more money spent on healthcare each year, we have more and more disease and death. Today there are more infant deaths than ever before. Could this be caused by vaccine overdose? Read the following article by Dr. Mercola to find out how you can protect your child.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Why Whole Foods Are Best

To piggy-back on what I blogged about yesterday, I'd like to share with you a quote from Dr. Royal Lee, founder of Standard Process whole food supplements:
We have drifted into this deplorable position of national malnutrition quite inadvertently. It is the result of scientific research with the objective of finding the best ways to create foods that are non-perishable that can be made by mass production methods in central factories, and distributed so cheaply that they can sweep all local competition from the market. Then, after there develops a suspicion that these "foods" are inadequate to support life, modern advertising steps in to propagandize the people into believing that there is nothing wrong with them, that they are products of scientific research intended to afford a food that is the last word in nutritive value, ...and the confused public is totally unable to arrive at any conclusion of fact, and continues to blindly buy the rubbish that is killing them off years ahead of their time. Dr. Royal Lee June 1943
What is sad about this truth is it was written in 1943 and nothing much has changed since then. Most of our problems stem from eating unhealthy, processed foods. As a result, we try to correct malnutrition, or their effects, with toxic chemicals in the form of medicine and pharmaceuticals. The solution to malnutrition isn't chemicals, it is the consumption of organic, whole foods. As often as you can, try to consume whole foods, take whole foods supplements and limit the processed and genetically modified food stuffs.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Dangers of Genetically Modified Foods

I received a newsletter from Dr. Mercola.com today and I thought this was the perfect subject to blog about today. Many of us are unaware of Genetically Modified (GM) foods and consume them on a daily basis. What's worse is that our government does not require these producers of GM foods to label their products as such. Fortunately, some producers who actually care what their consumers are actually consuming, label their products as Non-GMO which are mostly 100% USDA organic. Here in the US, grains, especially corn and soy are the most prevalent GM foods. These food sources have been shown in research studies to contribute to female reproductive disorders, damage to pituitary gland, and changes in testicles including sperm damage. Although organic food tends to be more expensive than the conventional alternatives, buying organic is the only way to know you are not consuming these dangerous GM foods and not risking some of these side-effects. You can either pay now with money by buying organic and avoiding processed foods or you can pay later with your health by purchasing GM foods. Dr. mercola has put together a free Non-GMO shopping guide to help you select your food choices. You can download and print it here: http://mercola.fileburst.com/PDF/GMObrochure.pdf. Sign up for his free newsletter as well for more information on this and many other topics.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Old Persons' Diseases?

I was having a conversation with one of my older patients today and she mentioned her body was breaking down due to the fact that she was aging. I often hear this statement made on almost a daily basis and it doesn't just come from patients but from medical colleagues as well. And every time I hear it, it never ceases to amaze me! We have been conditioned to believe that there are certain things that happen to our bodies as we get older and we should just accept it because it is a factor in aging. But please do not buy into this propaganda! As the old saying goes, "God don't make no junk!" Our bodies were designed to last forever. The reason for our bodies breaking down is due to years and years of neglect and mistreatment of our bodies. If we are taught from birth to eat a diet rich in whole foods, avoid genetically altered and engineered foods, avoid processed foods and drinks, drink plenty of good drinking water, exercise on a regular basis, get plenty of sleep and keep a positive mental attitude, we'd go through life okay. But as it stands, our norm is to load our children up on sugar because, after all, they are children! We start them off on the wrong foot and it continues through adolescence when fast foods and carbonated beverages come into play. This then continues until they are well into their twenties. Finally, between the ages of twenty-five and thirty they begin to get a clue and start learning about a proper diet. By then their life is nearly half over. So at this point they are becoming more health conscious and begin to eat better and do a little exercise. It is now that we have to ask ourselves, if, for more than half of our lives we neglected our health, what will happen to our bodies when we begin to age? Do you think we'll feel like 'spring chickens?' Do you think our bones and joints and organs will be functioning in tip-top shape? Do you think we'll be symptom and disease free? Do I really need to answer these? When it comes to your body, input equals output. If you take care of your body throughout your life, your body will take care of you, early and late in life. So make an effort to start your children off on a healthy path and be an example to them. Don't wait until it is too late, start living a healthy lifestyle today!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Remembering Jack Lalane

Jack Lalane started the fitness industry when there was no interest in it. He grew it and stayed committed to it his entire life. In memory of this icon, I'd like to share not only a quote by him, but also a philosophy he upheld with passion. It pertains mostly to junk foods and sugar. Perhaps we should all take heed to this philosophy as well.
"If man makes it, don't eat it. It destroys the B vitamins. It destroys your mind, affects your memory and concentration. Why do you think so many of these kids today are so screwed up? It's what they're eating. You know how much sugar Americans consume today in white flour, cakes, pies, candy and ice cream? Would you get your dog up in the morning and give him a cigarette, coffee and doughnuts? How many millions of Americans got up today to a breakfast like that? And you wonder why people are sick and obese."
We all should have as much passion for our bodies as this man had. As he also said, "your body is your most priceless possession, you've got to take care of it!" Rest in peace, Jack. Thank you for all that you did, you will be missed!