Monday, July 27, 2009

Gardasil Vaccine Injuries

Gardasil Vaccine Injuries - Associated Content
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With so many bad products, and in this case one in particular, (Vioxx), that the industry defended as safe, yet was pulled from the market for the number of deaths that followed its use, can you really trust the same manufacturer and industry with another new, and controversial product?
Please do not misunderstand me; I realize that cervical cancer is a hideous disease, but we must measure not just the doctors' words of the benefits outweighing the risks, but rather we need to understand what the benefits are and what the risks are as well as what percentage is at risk.
Gardasil, in my opinion, is one of the most dangerous vaccines to come out since the introduction of the Hep B vaccine, that after a formal hearing was re-formulated because it was in fact found to be dangerous.
The Hep B vaccine is proof that vaccines can and do kill and cripple children.
Here is the reporting so far on Gardasil. Based on VAERS, (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), as of March 28, 2008, there were 7,379 reported adverse incidents, 124 disabled, and 13 deaths.
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A new study found that Gardasil can last at least 3 years.
Gardasil, designed to protect young women from cervical cancer caused by HPV, has been controversial from the beginning.
Widely regarded as the best public transportation system in America, the New York public transportation system came to a screeching halt on August 8, 2007-all because of a rain storm.
Controversy surrounds the mandate of the HPV vaccine in Texas.
Marie, Have you gotten any responses?
My daughter received all three shots and is having alot of hair loss. It is comming out in clumps from the roots.
Anyone who has experienced hair loss, please call Merck's National Reporting Center at 1-800-444-2080 and report it.
My daughter has received the first two shots and will NOT be getting the third. She has suffered alopecia and significantly thinning hair since receiving the vaccine.
Stephanie, Mani, and Kathy, we feel so sorry for you and our hearts and compassion are overwhelmed for your tribulations through this all. I cannot begin to tell you how wrenched we feel inside because at $300 per set of shots, this is a major money maker for a few running the pharmaceutical companies and they are doing it on your health.
I'm 28, and live in Ft. I was warned by my doctor about the hair loss.
I have had two Gardasil shots, one in August before college started and the second on October 8th and I have had significant hair loss since having the shots.
Rebecca - My daughter started losing her hair after the 3rd shot. It is really thin now and she is still losing it.

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