Saturday, January 2, 2010

Are Your Symptoms Causing You Problems, OR, Are Your Problems Causing You Symptoms?

In my practice I give many workshops. During my new patient workshop, I often ask the question, 'are your symptoms causing you problems or are your problems causing you symptoms?' If you think about it, you will find it is the latter to be the truth. The problem with health care today is that it really isn't health care, it's 'sickcare.' With 'sickcare,' we don't do anything about our health until we are sick. Most health care professions focus on treating the symptoms. While symptoms are not enjoyable to have, they are not the cause of the problem. There is an underlying problem, or cause, that is causing the symptoms to alert you to the fact that a problem exists. And simply focusing on treating the symptoms will not get rid of the underlying cause of the problem. Treating symptoms is 'patch-up' health care, the symptom will go away for some time, but with the underlying problem still existing, the symptom will surely return later on.
With Chiropractic care, Doctors of Chiropractic focus on the underlying cause of many health problems. We do not focus on your symptoms because our ultimate objective is to remove the underlying cause to health problems in order for your body to heal itself and function at its optimum. With the underlying problem gone, the symptoms will disappear on their own. The underlying cause to many health problems is interference in your body's master controlling system, your nervous system. Keeping your nervous system free from interference through Chiropractic adjustments will help to keep you healthy. Take a pro-active approach to your health by striving to stay healthy. Don't let 'sickcare' be your re-active approach to your health. When you take care of your body your body will take care of you!